Michelle Mitton
We are a fantastic Independant Bricks & Mortar Store that's been trading for nearly 20 years.
We tried the whole e-commerce website but it just didn't work for us...too much work, not enough fun!! We're currently designing a more magazine style version where we hope you'll enjoy looking at all the beautiful seasonal collections that we have waiting for you to come and discover in our gorgeous store....for now we have a collection of images below containing some of our favourite products. If you see something you must have, can't live without, or want to gift straight away then don't worry! Just call us, message us, send a homing pigeon! We're only a moment away and we'll send you it, wherever you are in the world, whenever you need it.
Take a peek below and we look forward to seeing you soon in Clonakilty, West Cork, Ireland.
Michelle x